Informed Consent

In the course of chiropractic health care, it is essential for the physician and patient to work towards the same objective. As a patient, you should understand the goals and methods of chiropractic that will be used in order the avoid confusion or disappointment. 

Chiropractic Treatment

The primary treatment used by doctors of chiropractic is spinal and extremity manipulative therapy, or adjustments. This form of treatment is typically performed by hand or with a mechanical instrument upon your body to improve motion and function within your joints. After performing a physical examination, Dr. Robin will make every effort to screen for contraindications to this type of care. However, if you have a condition that would otherwise not come to the doctor’s attention, it is your responsibility to inform the doctor. 

Adjunctive Procedures

There are several other procedures used by Doctors of Chiropractic that may be used on you. A physical examination will be performed to obtain a baseline level of functioning as well as to partially determine an appropriate course of treatment. Treatment may include chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy (such as electrical muscle stimulation, massage therapy, exercise recommendations and other Traditional Chinese Medicine procedures such as cupping and GuaSha). Information regarding these additional therapies can be provided upon request. 

Potential Benefits of Chiropractic and Associated Care

The vast majority of chiropractic patients tend to achieve good to excellent improvement in their physical conditions with chiropractic care. Benefits include decrease in pain, increase in range of motion, less stiffness, increased athletic performance, and many more. 

Material Risks Inherent with Chiropractic Care

As with any healthcare procedure, there are certain risks to care. Risks may include but are not limited to increased pain, increased soreness, fractures of bones, muscle strains, bruising, disc injuries or strokes.